Friday, August 14, 2009

War of the Highchairs

So for those of you that don't know we have been staying at the Marriott Residence Inn. We will be staying here until our house closes.
Every morning we get up, pj's and all, and head downstairs for the breakfast that they provide.
A few mornings ago I overheard a conversation a woman was having about how they ended up staying at the hotel so long. From what I heard they had one of their pipes brake at their house and it flooded. Everything was ruined and they have been staying here until their house is fixed. They have a family of 5 that are staying here. Husband, Wife, a teenage daughter, and two twin boys about a year old.
Aside from there sad story an unsaid war is going on between us. We arrive downstairs around 8 am for breakfast and they arrive a little after us. Their are only 2 highchairs available to use.
With them having twins, if they arrive first they take both chairs. However, if we get down their first I am able to get a chair for Jah Jah bean! (Emma is fine sitting in a "big girl" chair)
Every morning is a flight to see who can get down there first! In fact this morning I tried to make it down there by 7:45. And when she walked in this morning, I could have bet she gave me a wary eye seeing me with one of the chairs! lol

1 comment:

Lauren said...

That is so funny! I'm rooting for you!